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2022 GGF Memorial Scholarship Awards

We are excited to announce the 2022 recipients of the Gavin Gladding Memorial Scholarship! The Gavin Gladding Foundation awarded scholarships to Clovis West graduates, Lauren Aguila and Michelle Zamora.
Michelle is planning to attend UC Davis in the fall as a biology major and Lauren is planning to attend UCSD  as an engineering major. 
We wish Lauren and Michelle all of the best as they start their college educations in the fall!


2021 GGF Memorial Scholarship Awards

We are excited to announce the 2021 recipients of the Gavin Gladding Memorial Scholarship! The Gavin Gladding Foundation awarded scholarships to Clovis West graduates, Maria Madrigal and Max Bittner. Maria and Max are both planning to attend Fresno State in the Fall and we couldn’t be more excited for them.


San Joaquin River Parkway and Trust Summer Camps Scholarships

Since 2021, The Gavin Gladding Foundation has provided River Camp scholarships to valley children through the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust Annual Summer River Camp Program.  Each summer the scholarships go towards tuition for Valley kids to grow, learn and explore in the place that Gavin called his home for years. The SJRP&CT was such a significant part of Gavin's life, and we are honored to continue his legacy there.

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Gambia Rising Educational Trust

One of Gavin’s most important life experiences was as a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa. Gavin lived in a Wolof village and taught for two years in The Gambia, and since 2020 the Gavin Gladding Foundation has been a proud sponsor of school fees and educational supplies for Gambian kids through GambiaRising, a charitable trust started by other returned Peace Corps Volunteers

© 2020 Gavin Gladding Foundation 

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